Sunday 27 February 2011

Chapter 20...The Zuarungu Festival!

Yesterday (Saturday 26th February) a group of us volunteers attended a local festival in Zuarangu where there were chiefs, dancing, food and music! We arrived near the end of the day part where speeches are given and local dancing is performed in the centre of a huge arena. 
A very elegantly dressed Chief!
The idea of the dancing is to produce lots of dust!

The evening then turns into a drinking, eating and dancing frenzy with people dispersing to a social centre set up as a ‘club’ with music booming and bass being heard for miles throughout the night! 

We decided to head to a local 'spot' (pub/bar) near to the social centre to have a few quieter drinks and actually be able to talk to one another and hear people's responses! Volunteers being grown-up and sensible, surely not!  

1 comment:

  1. Phew – slightly more upbeat post than the last one...! :p So, what are the other volunteers like? Are they all living nearby to you? Any interesting stories as to why they're volunteering... yes this is my nosy side coming out!!!! xx
