Monday 11 April 2011

Chapter 36...The appointment of Regional Rep!

On Saturday us Upper East vols had our regional meeting, which is held around every six months and is an opportunity for our regional rep to tell all the volunteers in the region what has been going on in recent times and what the future plans are for VSO Ghana. The rep is voted in yearly to act as a middle person between the volunteers in their region and VSO Ghana and to be there as the first point of call if there are any problems. At our meeting Rachel and Stephen who were our reps for the past year decided it was time for them to step down and hand the responsibility of the Upper East region to two new responsible, organised, highly intelligent people (you may have seen already where I'm going with this) and who would have guessed it from that criteria...I got voted in!! So the new regional rep for the Upper East region is me, with Jackie as my shadow/second-in-command/Robin/Clyde (her full title is yet to be set in stone)! I am super excited about this role and what I can potentially do to help current and future vols in the region and I am even more excited about one of my biggest responsibilies which will be to collect the new intake of volunteers in May from Accra and make sure they make it safe and sound up to Bolga then stay safe and sound for as long as I am regional rep!

To continue with the high spirits on Saturday we then spent the evening celebrating Christina and Laura's birthdays (I turned it into my own personal celebration of becoming regional rep) at a huge house party with a live band - Tangaculture and all the usual suspects at a Ghanaian celebration - guinea fowl, goat, jollof rice, plantain, dancing, pito, Star...

The non-pregnant birthday girl enjoying herself a little bit too much!
Abbie invading the bands personal space!

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