Monday 11 July 2011

Chapter 54...The Ghana Girl Child!

My past two weeks at work were spent at Gbeogo JHS (Junior High School) working with the girl club there to plan and hold a music, dance and drama event at the school. 
Me busting out 'the moves' the girls and Madam Evelyn, the girl club facilitator who is an inspiration to all!
Last Friday was the big day and what a huge success it was! Our invited guests - Chief, Elders, PTA execs etc all came, the band - TangaCulture managed to entertain the socks off everyone and the girls drama performances had their parents in stitches! I even found myself having a boogie and beaming with pride at how well they had all done! 

Unfortunately the need for Girl Child Education in Ghana is far less fun, exciting and happy! A girl child's education is often hindered by her parents, her teachers and her male peers. The girl child is more often the one in the home who is given household chores to do before and after school. She will be sent to fetch water, she will be expected to work at the market on market days, she will be made to cook and clean and alongside all this she is trying to educate herself to free herself from a future life of marriage, motherhood and more of the same! The girl child also faces inequality in her access to education compared to boys because of early marriage. Her family feel she is not worth educating as she will be married off at an early age and all that education and subsequent wealth would go to her new family. Instead the short term gain of cows and sheep as a dowry is considered greater, as most Ghanaians live life day-by-day with the belief that tomorrow may never come! She also has to deal with teen pregnancy, teacher and peer abuse, boyfriends, physical punishment at school and much much more.

It is no wonder really that volunteers such as me have been sent out here to work with the girl child and those who are interested in building her strength, because the future without this work would be looking even more dire! If I can build the confidence in just one girl and make her feel interested and excited about her own education and future then I will leave Ghana happy! Small small is the way to go in Ghana, but I now feel more sure that I will get there someday...!


  1. You're doing a wonderful thing, love annie xxx

  2. Thank you sweet pea! Sometimes it doesn't feel like it, but I'm sticking at it!
    Love you
