Monday, 28 November 2011

Chapter 76...The final Ghanaversary countdown (for 2011)!

As most of you are aware today is my last day in Ghana as a VSO volunteer and what a mission it has been to complete everything before my flight back to the UK tonight, but finally after some last minute packing I am ready for home. Obviously anyone who has read my blog throughout this emotional rollercoaster nine and a half months (think I've had more ups and downs than a pregnant woman) knows exactly how my VSO experience has been. That said, I have reverted back to my good old Ghanaversary countdowns one last time to give a few summaries of the adventure that was... 
Five things I am looking forward to going home to:
  1. My loved ones - friends and family who I have missed dearly throughout this time, but who have remained constants in my life
  2. The cold! Not spending 24 hours a day with a sweat on
  3. Toilets. Everywhere having a toilet, and a flushing one with running water at that!
  4. Feeling clean and being able to run my fingers through my hair
  5. Cinemas, restaurants, country walks, road trips, nights out, nights in (OK this one is cheating slightly as clearly I am cramming a lot into one point, but I guess the general vibe would be 'socialising and doing new things')
 Five things I will miss about Ghana:
  1. Walking down Commercial St and around Bolga market where people greet, smile and know my name.
  2. All year round sunshine. It really is hard not to smile when the sun is shining all the time!
  3. The freedom of hopping on my moto and feeling the breeze dry my sweat as I ride.
  4. Jana. The little village outside Tamale that has worked its way into my heart.
  5. GMT. At first it was frustrating, but really it has allowed me the time to do everything I want to do.
Five things I will not miss about Ghana:
  1. Mosquitoes, ants, bugs, insects! Anything that can land on me, crawl on me, bite me!
  2. Sweat! I will not miss sweating all day everyday and sometimes even finishing a cold shower drenched in sweat!
  3. My moto breaking down on me ALL the time!
  4. MTN internet when on green light.
  5. Waiting for tros to fill - arriving at the tro park to find a tro has just left and the next one to fill is a 37 seater! 
OK a few contradictions there, but the lines are so blurry it's hard to distinguish the likes and dislikes sometimes...oh wait...I'm going and coming so I'll be back in Ghana for six months next year (visa permitting), back onto a positive note...
Five things I am looking forward to going and coming back to:
  1. VSO friends. For keeping me on the straight and narrow (somehow)!
  2. My best Jana friend Aminatu. I cannot wait to spend six months watching this little girl grow and in any small way I can, shaping her future.
  3. Three ceiling fans in the main room of the house. Come March and April when the heat is scorching, these will be much appreciated!
  4. Taxis and push bikes. No more wearing combat trousers and trainers in the boiling hot sun because I need to ride my moto everywhere! Sun dresses and skirts here I come!
  5. The challenge.
And on that note it is now time for me to start my journey home, Ghana I will go (small time), England I am coming...

1 comment:

  1. _____8888888888____________________

    your blog looks good!
    congrats :)
