Monday, 31 October 2011

Chapter 71...The ridding of all sins!

Halloween hit Ghana (possibly for the first time) this weekend as witches, black cats, skeletons and...scary scrabble got together for a vodka jelly, apple bobbing party! I have to hold my hands up, I didn't go in costume, which meant throughout the night I accumulated props and make-up from other people in order to create a 'Halloween costume' with a Ghanaian twist.
Now I have to admit, before today I didn't know the meaning behind Halloween, how it originated or why we dress up, trick or treat, carve pumpkins and bob for apples. This now seems a bit strange, because why would anyone do these things, but not know why they are doing it! 

Nevertheless today on Halloween my GES managed to rid themselves of a bad spirit that had been lingering around for six years. This spirit is not all bad, not by any means, and I have seen some good that it has done, but in recent times it has been bad, very bad indeed! So as the announcement came from the GES Director that today was his last day at the office as he is being transferred, I really did see some irony in it being Halloween. In the Ghana education system being transferred is the equivalent to being fired back home, but you still keep working, and being paid, and you transfer to somewhere new where no-one knows all the damage you have done actually nothing alike at all! No-one is ever fired, even if they are caught teaching drunk, even if they abuse a child, even if they steal money from the office accounts (as my Director was accused of doing) they simply get transferred to another district to become someone else's problem really still is a very alien system to me!

Today was also the day I handed in my notice (my own ridding of sins) and with my last day at the now Director-less office set for next Thursday my thoughts turned to home...what people dressed up as for Halloween, the fact I'm missing my favourite night of the year on Saturday when the sky becomes a haven for my mesmerised eyes, the car journey home from the airport when my Daddyo always brings my favourite foods, then finally spending some quality Wintery, Christmas times with all the people that mean the absolute World to me...

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