Before starting my two week vacation with the Abster I enjoyed a flying visit to Tama to spend a night in Jana and say goodbye to Brian, one of the EWB's who had reached the end of his stint in Ghana. The weekend was jam-packed full of excitement, mainly consisting of several new beginnings that will impact heavily on the rest of my time here...!
Friday 15th July was full moon and as I sat marvelling at the difference that makes in a light-less Jana, my brother was half way across the World living it large at Koh Phangan's infamous full moon party! I thought to myself 'what a difference a year really does make,' as this time last year it was me covered head-to-toe in fluorescent paint (which subsequently burnt my skin and bought me out in a rash), wearing my bikini and partying hard in the sand! Now I find myself noticing the much greater, less superficial differences that the full moon can make to people's lives as it beams down providing an astonishing amount of light over Africa's buzzing but dark communities. This remarkable natural occurrence means life can continue manically that little bit further into the evening and paths through the bush are lit well into the night. A much more useful purpose I feel than to illuminate me and thousands of other ravers until the sun comes up!
The EWB decided that evening to treat Jana to guinea fowl for dinner and a film night, so after spending the afternoon greeting, dancing and being blown away by fifteen year old Al Has's ability to pluck, gut and prepare for cooking a guinea fowl...

...we found ourselves huddled on a large prayer mat alongside the residents of the compound with the EWB's laptop perched on a bench playing a 'fresh water' episode of 'Planet Earth.' I was highly impressed with the knowledge of Hussain and Al Has on different marine life and countries in the World and if anything my naivety and ignorance were highlighted to me, as I was expecting to have to explain throughout the documentary what and where things are rather than learn a few new things myself. Instead of providing a running commentary I lay down on the mat with Champong asleep in front of me noticing the artificial glow of the laptop illuminated by the natural glow of the moon and I pondered for a while the comparisons between a complex modern day technologically rich way of life compared to this simple compound life I have found myself living in once in a while! I later had a conversation with the Abster on this, analysing once again the constant search for happiness that is drummed into us in the Western World and the 'knowing-nothing-else,' uncomplicated happiness for a new day of life that I witness here. Having spent 26 years of life with 'the search' engrained in me, it is taking some serious hard work to absorb the non-complaining, just get-on-with-it nature of the people I now find myself living among. I am sure though that after some 'life changing decisions' of my own and further frustrated moments I will find a level of peace and calm that I feel comfortable with.
So the next morning after being dragged away from the beautifully radiant smile of Nasara before I become too broody for the EWB's liking...
Something about this face just lifts my spirits completely and all my cares in the World are washed away! Watching her grow over the next year is most definitely going to be a highlight of my Ghana adventure! | was time for a few new beginnings of our own and one thing I am loving about this thing so far, is how the drama and excitement all come at once! On one standard Saturday in July we picked up the keys to a new home and over a fufu and jollof rice lunch the EWB accepted one of the two amazing job offers that had come his way recently! What a climatic end to a couple of months of uncertainty and unknowns, but it's now official that as of August 1st (tomorrow) we start another year of life in Ghana! Now as I have come to realise about life of late, and especially Ghana life, things can change in an instant so I'm fully prepared to write a blog post at some point telling you all that I'm moving to Russia to join the circus...oh what a joy this blog will be to look back on in fifty years time!
Following an afternoon planning things to buy for the house and the EWB's racing heart rate levelling out after the intensity of it all, we joined Brian and co for a night of smocks, raps, apple pie, pool, Captain Morgans, speeches and sending him on his way in style (thanks to the fashionable designs of Mina) to his own new beginning...
Wayne, the EWB, me and Brian (eyes closed in a photo once again)! |
Everyone looking so happy (naively) about what's to come! |
Sheer disgust and beer chasers needed! |
I somehow found myself smock dancing after shots and beers! How times have changed from the stage in a club with my Trolls! |
And that was the end of my short but sweet visit to Tama, but the start of the rest of my time here in Ghana! Over the next few days I am planning to write up the adventures of the American and I after our two week voodoo vacation in Togo and Benin. Expect beaches, brothels, dogs heads, motos, Baileys, baguette, red wine and a lot lot more...! In return I expect my inbox to be flooded with endless emails from all of you updating me on everything I've missed in the past two!?!
Wait, so are you staying now for another year?! Or did I misread that. Annoyingly due to a Buddhist holiday the full moon party was actually on the 17th! (Sunday) and not the 15th.. but on the 15th I was indeed also covered in UV paint at a secret underground party. xx
ReplyDeleteAlso, I found myself thoroughly reading the VSO website last night, something I would not have expected myself doing in a million years...
ReplyDeleteDon't do it to yourself, well VSO Ghana anyway, complete waste of time! I've come to learn that there are many other ways of helping in this World than going through the thousands of NGO's that are out there!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm emailing you all now with an update on my current life status...
P.S. Thanks for ruining the illusion completely of me being sat under the full moon while you party hard! Crazy place eh!?!
Oh don't worry, I did party hard under the full moon :D xx